Monday, January 10, 2011

Plan...G? I'm a slacker blogger. My Plan was to blog about twice a week, then it went to once a week and then once a month and well, you get the drift. It's safe to say I am way past Plan B on the blogging...maybe Plan G? Anywho, welcome to 2011! So I did have a little unplanned surgery that derailed me back in November. I had my deviated septum fixed and both sinus cavities routed. Big fun! Every one seems to have either had this done or knows several people who have had this done. At least the deviated septum part. My husband had this done about 8 years ago. He was the hugest baby ever. I thought "No problem, piece of cake!" Well, um, need less to say it was a little bigger deal that I had anticipated. It was downright nasty in fact. I did not realize my head could even hold that much snotty crap. Ick, ick ick! Ow, ow ow! 4 six inch splints had to pulled from my nostrils 10 days after the surgery. It was like a magic trick. Honestly, I would have been less surprised had they pulled a live rabbit out of my nose. Still, I wasn't half the baby my husband was, I am sure of it. So I stayed home and swabbed my nostrils (hate that word) with neosporin and ran the humidifier all day long and took my lortab every 4 hours on the dot. Then when you think you can venture outside in the 18 degree weather your nice clear sinuses freeze in about 2 minutes in the cold. Painful. So I took to wearing a bandana over my nose and mouth like a cowboy when outside (except at the bank for obvious reasons - HA). Soon I was missing my boogers that kept my warm up there, however better I was breathing and sleeping. I know, I know, gross...but I am not one to pretty it up. But it gets better every day, that's what my doctor says, that's his story so I will try to stick to it. Hope all had a happy holiday! Later!

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